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2023-01-10 14:18:43 来源:ADI








MAX22007 SPI

MAX22007串行外设接口(SPI)命令为24位(8位指令+16位数据),CRC禁用时为24位,CRC启用时为32位。表 1 显示了 SPI 命令结构。MAX22007的SPI模式为CPOL = 0 (CLK空闲 = 0)和CPHA = 0 (上升沿/第一沿对数据进行采样)。数据/命令必须首先以最高有效字节 (MSB) 计时。

7 位 A[6:0],MSB 至最低有效字节 (LSB)R/W 位,读取 = 1,写入 = 016 位 D[15:0],MSB 至 LSB






请注意,配置寄存器 0x03 LD_CNFG[3:0](位 15 至 12)在上电时设置为 0。所有四个输出在LDAC引脚上发生高低转换时同时更新。如果通道要求透明并立即更新,请将LD_CNFG位设置为 1。


public enum Register_address        {            // All RegistersREVISION_ID       = 0x00,            STATUS_INTERRUPTS = 0x01,            INTERRUPT_ENABLE  = 0x02,            CONFIGURATION     = 0x03,            CONTROL           = 0x04,            CHANNEL_MODE      = 0x05,            SOFT_RESET        = 0x06,            CHANNEL0_DATA     = 0x07,            CHANNEL1_DATA     = 0x08,            CHANNEL2_DATA     = 0x09,            CHANNEL3_DATA     = 0x0a,            GPIO_CONTROL      = 0x0b,            GPIO_DATA         = 0x0c,            GPI_EDGE_CTRL     = 0x0d,            GPI_EDGE_STATUS   = 0x0e,        };        public enum AOut_Mode        {            high_impedance = 0,            AO_12V         = 1,            AO_25mA        = 2,            out_of_range1  = 3,        }; //********************************************************************//*//* Function: MAX22007_read_register//* Description: Read one Register from MAX22007//*//* Input: Register-Address (take from definitions in header-file)//* Output: 16bit register content//*//* if CRC is enabled, then crc8-Command is required//*//********************************************************************/public UInt32 MAX22007EVKIT_read_register(Register_address address){     if (CRC_Enabled == false)     {         max22007_port.SPI_CS0Enable();         max22007_port.SPI_W_transaction_8( (ushort) ( ((byte)address << 1) + 0x01 )  );         result = max22007_port.SPI_R_transaction_16();         max22007_port.SPI_CS0Disable();     }     else     {         max22007_port.SPI_CS0Enable();         max22007_port.SPI_W_transaction_8( (ushort) ( ((byte)address << 1) + 0x01 )  );         result = max22007_port.SPI_R_transaction_16();         max22007_port.SPI_CS0Disable();         CRC_result = max22007_port.SPI_R_transaction_8();  // read the CRC         byte CRC_TX1 = (address << 1) + 0x01;         byte CRC_RX1 = ((result >> 8) & 0xff);         byte CRC_RX2 = ((result     ) & 0xff);         byte CRC_Calc = crc8(CRC_TX1, CRC_RX1, CRC_RX2);         if (CRC_Calc != CRC_result)         {            result = 0xfffffffe; // return a 32 bit value to flag an error         }     }}//********************************************************************//*//* Function: MAX22007_write_register//* Description: Write one Register to MAX22007//*//* Input: Register-Address (take from definitions in header-file)//*        16bit data (new register content)//*//********************************************************************/public void MAX22007EVKIT_write_register(Register_address address, UInt16 data){    byte CRC_TX1 = (byte)((byte)address << 1);    if (CRC_Enabled == false)    {        max22007_port.SPI_CS0Enable();        max22007_port.SPI_W_transaction_8( (ushort) ( ((byte)address << 1) )  );        max22007_port.SPI_W_transaction_16(data);        max22007_port.SPI_CS0Disable();    }    else    {        byte CRC_TX2 = (byte)((data>> 8) & 0xff);        byte CRC_TX3 = (byte)( data      & 0xff);        byte CRC_Calc = crc8(CRC_TX1, CRC_TX2, CRC_TX3);        max22007_port.SPI_CS0Enable();        max22007_port.SPI_W_transaction_8( (ushort) ( ((byte)address << 1) )  );        max22007_port.SPI_W_transaction_16(data);        max22007_port.SPI_W_transaction_8( CRC_Calc );        max22007_port.SPI_CS0Disable();    }} // ********************************************************************//// Function: MAX22007_Mode_Set// Description: Sets up MAX22007 Mode for one of the 4 Channels//// Input: mode:    Desired Mode//        Channel: Desired Channel// Output: None (The selected channel of MAX22007 will be setup by this routine)//// ******************************************************************** private void MAX22007_Mode_Set(byte Channel, AOut_Mode mode){   // Set AO Mode (Register 0x05: CHANNEL_MODE)   UInt32 previous_mode = MAX22007EVKIT_read_register(Register_address.CHANNEL_MODE);   UInt16 new_mode = (UInt16) previous_mode;               switch (Channel)   {     case 0:              if (mode == AOut_Mode.high_impedance)              {   new_mode = (new_mode & 0xeeff);   // High-Impedance, set to Voltage Mode and Power-Off - Channel 0              }              if (mode == AOut_Mode.AO_12V)              {   new_mode = (new_mode & 0xefff);   // Voltage Output, set CHNL_MODE to 1 for this         Channel 0                  new_mode = (new_mode | 0x0100);   // make sure the Channel is enabled                    Channel 0              }              if (mode == AOut_Mode.AO_25mA)              {   new_mode = (new_mode | 0x1000);   // Current Output, set CHNL_MODE to 1 for this         Channel 0                  new_mode = (new_mode | 0x0100);   // make sure the Channel is enabled                    Channel 0              }              break;     case 1:              if (mode == AOut_Mode.high_impedance)              {   new_mode = (new_mode & 0xddff);   // High-Impedance, set to Voltage Mode and Power-Off - Channel 1              }              if (mode == AOut_Mode.AO_12V)              {   new_mode = (new_mode & 0xdfff);   // Voltage Output, set CHNL_MODE to 1 for this         Channel 1                  new_mode = (new_mode | 0x0200);   // make sure the Channel is enabled                    Channel 1              }              if (mode == AOut_Mode.AO_25mA)              {   new_mode = (new_mode | 0x2000);   // Current Output, set CHNL_MODE to 1 for this         Channel 1                  new_mode = (new_mode | 0x0200);   // make sure the Channel is enabled                    Channel 1              }              break;     case 2:              if (mode == AOut_Mode.high_impedance)              {   new_mode = (new_mode & 0xbbff);   // High-Impedance, set to Voltage Mode and Power-Off - Channel 2              }              if (mode == AOut_Mode.AO_12V)              {   new_mode = (new_mode & 0xbfff);   // Voltage Output, set CHNL_MODE to 1 for this         Channel 2                  new_mode = (new_mode | 0x0400);   // make sure the Channel is enabled                    Channel 2              }              if (mode == AOut_Mode.AO_25mA)              {   new_mode = (new_mode | 0x4000);   // Current Output, set CHNL_MODE to 1 for this         Channel 2                  new_mode = (new_mode | 0x0400);   // make sure the Channel is enabled                    Channel 2              }              break;     case 3:              if (mode == AOut_Mode.high_impedance)              {   new_mode = (new_mode & 0x77ff);   // High-Impedance, set to Voltage Mode and Power-Off - Channel 3              }              if (mode == AOut_Mode.AO_12V)              {   new_mode = (new_mode & 0x7fff);   // Voltage Output, set CHNL_MODE to 1 for this         Channel 3                  new_mode = (new_mode | 0x0800);   // make sure the Channel is enabled                    Channel 3              }              if (mode == AOut_Mode.AO_25mA)              {   new_mode = (new_mode | 0x8000);   // Current Output, set CHNL_MODE to 1 for this         Channel 3                  new_mode = (new_mode | 0x0800);   // make sure the Channel is enabled                    Channel 3              }                    break;    }    MAX22007EVKIT_write_register(Register_address.CHANNEL_MODE,  new_mode);} // ********************************************************************//// Function: MAX22007_convert_Voltage_to_LSB// Description: Converts a voltage to an LSB value for the DAC//// Input:  float:  Voltage// Output: UInt16  LSB Value for the DAC//// ********************************************************************private UInt16 MAX22007_convert_Voltage_to_LSB (float voltage){    UInt16 new_hex_value = 0;    float result = 0;    float phy_AO_12V_factor  = (float) 12.5 / (float) 4095;    // check for errors    if (voltage > 12.5)    { return 0xfffe; } // return out of range value to highlight there was an error    if (voltage < 0)       { return 0xfffe; } // return out of range value to highlight there was an error    // convert voltage to LSB value    result = (voltage / phy_AO_12V_factor);    new_hex_value = (UInt16) result;    return new_hex_value;}// ********************************************************************//// Function: MAX22007_convert_Current_to_LSB// Description: Converts a current in mA to an LSB value for the DAC//// Input:  float:  Current in mA// Output: UInt16  LSB Value for the DAC//// ********************************************************************private UInt16 MAX22007_convert_Current_to_LSB (float current_mA){    UInt16 new_hex_value = 0;    float result = 0;    float phy_AO_25mA_factor = (float) 25 / (float) 4095;    // check for errors    if (current_mA > 25)    { return 0xfffe; } // return out of range value to highlight there was an error    if (current_mA < 0)     { return 0xfffe; } // return out of range value to highlight there was an error    // convert voltage to LSB value    result = (current_mA / phy_AO_25mA_factor);    new_hex_value = (UInt16) result;    return new_hex_value;} // ********************************************************************//// Function: MAX22007_DAC_Set_LSB// Description: Writes a new LSB value to the DAC,//              assuming it is already setup in a specific mode, use DAC_Setup first//              If LDAC-pin is high, it must be toggled after setting up update the output//// Input: new DAC value in LSB// Output: None//// ********************************************************************private void MAX22007_Set_DAC(byte Channel, UInt16 LSB_code){  UInt16 DAC_out_register = (UInt16) (LSB_code << 4); // Shift bits to match with register  switch (Channel)  {   case 0:            MAX22007EVKIT_write_register (Register_address.CHANNEL0_DATA, DAC_out_register); // Write AO Data register CH0            break;   case 1:            MAX22007EVKIT_write_register (Register_address.CHANNEL1_DATA, DAC_out_register); // Write AO Data register CH1            break;   case 2:            MAX22007EVKIT_write_register (Register_address.CHANNEL2_DATA, DAC_out_register); // Write AO Data register CH2            break;   case 3:            MAX22007EVKIT_write_register (Register_address.CHANNEL3_DATA, DAC_out_register); // Write AO Data register CH3            break;  }}// ********************************************************************//// Function: main// Description: The follwoing function would setup://              1. ALL outputs to immediately update on write//              2. Channel 0 in Voltage mode and drive 5V//              3. Channel 1 in Current mode and drive 10mA//// Input:  float:  Current in mA// Output: UInt16  LSB Value for the DAC//// ********************************************************************private void setup_main (){    MAX22007EVKIT_write_register (Register_address.CONFIGURATION, 0xf000);       // Set all Latch bits    MAX22007_Mode_Set(0, AOut_Mode.AO_12V);                          // setup Channel 0 to Voltage Mode    MAX22007_Mode_Set(1, AOut_Mode.AO_25mA);                         // setup Channel 1 to Current Mode    UInt16 DAC_LSB_value = 0;    DAC_LSB_value = MAX22007_convert_Voltage_to_LSB ((float) 5.0);   // get integer value for 5.0 Volt    MAX22007_Set_DAC(0, DAC_LSB_value);                              // write this 5V value to Channel 0    DAC_LSB_value = MAX22007_convert_Current_to_LSB ((float)10.0);   // get integer value for 10.0 mA    MAX22007_Set_DAC(1, DAC_LSB_value);                              // write this 10.0mA value to Channel 1} // ********************************************************************//// Function: MAX22007_GPIO_Setup// Description: Sets up all 8 GPIO Pins, bit0=GPIO0, bit1=GPIO1, ...//              Since the command includes everything Enable/Disable as well as//              GPIO Direction, this function is faster than GPO_Set//              because it does not have to read back the setup from the part//// Input:  GPIO_enable (byte)    Bit0 = GPIO0, Bit1 = GPIO1, ... (0 = Off,   1 = On)//         GPIO_direction (byte) Bit0 = GPIO0, Bit1 = GPIO1, ... (0 = Input, 1 = Output)//// Output: None//// ********************************************************************void MAX22007_GPIO_Setup (byte GPIO_enable, byte GPIO_direction){    UInt16 new_gpio_value = (UInt16) ( ( (GPIO_enable & 0xff) << 8) + ( (GPIO_direction & 0xff) ) );    MAX22007EVKIT_write_register(Register_address.GPIO_CONTROL,  new_gpio_value);}// ********************************************************************//// Function: MAX22007_GPO_Set// Description: Sets GPOs high or low, bit0=GPIO0, bit1=GPIO1, ...//              GPOs must be setup and enabled prior this use MAX22007_GPO_Set//// Input: GPO Setting, bit0=GPIO0, bit1=GPIO1, ... (0 = Low, 1 = High)// Output: None//// ********************************************************************void MAX22007_GPO_Set (byte GPO_Setting){    UInt16 GPO_data = (UInt16) ((GPO_Setting<<8) & 0xff00);                  // Shift bits for GPO    MAX22007EVKIT_write_register(Register_address.GPIO_DATA, GPO_Setting);   // Write new GPO settings                                                                             // Inputs are read only, no need to                                                                             // worry about writing these bits}// ********************************************************************//// Function: MAX22007_GPI_Get// Description: Gets all GPI readings high or low, bit0=GPIO0, bit1=GPIO1, ...//              GPIs must be setup and enabled prior this use MAX22007_GPI_Get//// Input: None// Output: GPI Setting, bit0=GPIO0, bit1=GPIO1, ... (0 = Low, 1 = High)//// ********************************************************************byte  MAX22007_GPI_Get (){    UInt32 gpi_result = MAX22007EVKIT_read_register(Register_address.GPIO_DATA);  // read GPI Data    byte result = (byte) (gpi_result & 0xff);    return result;}


AN7072 中更详细地描述了具有 24 位寄存器的器件的 CRC 功能和计算。MAX22007只有16位寄存器。AN7072中的CRC计算与MAX22007的概念相同,但计算结果仅为3个字节,而不是AN7072中描述的4个字节。以下功能可按原样用于MAX22007。

// ********************************************************************//// Function: MAX22007_crc8// Description: Calculates CRC for MAX22007 commands (read or write)//// Input: BYTE1:     Command byte (register address + R/W bit)//        BYTE2:     MS-Byte of the register value//        BYTE3:     LS-Byte of the register value// Output byte:      crc8 of Input //                   -> for write commands send result as the CRC code//                   -> for read commands compare result to check for errors//// ******************************************************************** public byte MAX22007_crc8(byte BYTE1, byte BYTE2, byte BYTE3){    byte crc8_start = 0x00;    byte crc8_poly  = 0x8c; // rotated 0x31, which is our polinomial    byte crc_result = crc8_start;    // BYTE1    for (int i=0; i<8; i++)    {        if( ( (( BYTE1>>i ) ^ (crc_result) ) & 0x01 ) > 0 )      // IF(XOR(C6;BITAND(D5;2^4)/2^4)        { crc_result = (byte) (crc8_poly ^ crc_result>>1 );  }   // BITXOR($D$1;BITAND((D5*2);31))        else        { crc_result = (byte) (crc_result>>1);               }    }    // BYTE2    for (int i=0; i<8; i++)    {        if( ( (( BYTE2>>i ) ^ (crc_result) ) & 0x01 ) > 0 )      // IF(XOR(C6;BITAND(D5;2^4)/2^4)        { crc_result = (byte) (crc8_poly ^ crc_result>>1 );  }   // BITXOR($D$1;BITAND((D5*2);31))        else        { crc_result = (byte) (crc_result>>1);               }    }    // BYTE3    for (int i=0; i<8; i++)    {        if( ( (( BYTE3>>i ) ^ (crc_result) ) & 0x01 ) > 0 )      // IF(XOR(C6;BITAND(D5;2^4)/2^4)        { crc_result = (byte) (crc8_poly ^ crc_result>>1 );  }   // BITXOR($D$1;BITAND((D5*2);31))        else        { crc_result = (byte) (crc_result>>1);               }    }    return crc_result;}




标签: 微控制器 模拟输出 诊断功能
