> 最近工作上,遇到这样一个问题:我需要写一个C语言的程序,这个程序要求带命令行输入,之前有了解一些这方面的知识,本文将带大家好好梳理一下,希望对大家有所帮助。
@[toc]# 1 写在前面
# 2 需求分析
```c比如:命令行输入 ./test -i in.bin -o out.bin -f -v2或者 ./test -i in.bin -o out.bin -f -v表示的含义是: 执行test程序,输入一个in.bin文件,输出一个out.bin文件,-t表示强制执行(忽略错误), -v2表示使用第1版本功能,如果没有2只有-v,则使用默认的第1版本。```
# 3 编程实现
## 3.1 main函数的另一种写法
```cint main(void);```
```cint main(int argc, const char *argv[]);```
## 3.2 粗暴一点的方式来实现
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){int i = 0;char *in = NULL;char *out = NULL;int is_force = 0;int version_n = 1;int is_found_in = 0;int is_found_out = 0;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {//show all input paramprintf("param %d: %sn", i + 1, argv[i]);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-i")) { is_found_in = 1; continue;} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-o")) { is_found_out = 1; continue;} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-f")) { is_force = 1; printf("is_force: %dn", is_force);} else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-v", 2)) { if (strlen(argv[i]) != 2) { version_n = atoi(argv[i] + 2); } printf("version_n: %dn", version_n);}
if (is_found_in) { in = argv[i]; printf("in -> %sn", argv[i]); is_found_in = 0;}
if (is_found_out) { out = argv[i]; printf("out -> %sn", argv[i]); is_found_out = 0;}}
return 0;}```
```c./test -i in.bin -o out.bin -f -v2param 1: ./testparam 2: -iparam 3: in.binin -> in.binparam 4: -oparam 5: out.binout -> out.binparam 6: -fis_force: 1param 7: -v2version_n: 2
./test -i in.bin -o out.bin -f -vparam 1: ./testparam 2: -iparam 3: in.binin -> in.binparam 4: -oparam 5: out.binout -> out.binparam 6: -fis_force: 1param 7: -vversion_n: 1```
## 3.3 优雅一点的方式来实现
```cGETOPT(1) User Commands GETOPT(1)
NAME getopt - parse command options (enhanced)
SYNOPSIS getopt optstring parameters getopt [options] [--] optstring parameters getopt [options] -o|--options optstring [options] [--] parameters
DESCRIPTION getopt is used to break up (parse) options in command lines for easy parsing by shell procedures, and to check for valid options. It uses the GNU getopt(3) routines to do this.
The parameters getopt is called with canbe divided into two parts: options which modify the way getopt will do the parsing (the options and the optstring in the SYNOPSIS), and the parameters which are to be parsed (parameters in the SYNOPSIS). The second part will start at the first non-option parameter that is not an option argument, or after the first occurrence of "--". If no "-o" or "--options" option is found in the first part, the first parameter of the second part is used as the short options string.
If the environment variable GETOPT_COMPATIBLE is set, or if the first parameter is not an option (does not start with a "-", the first format in the SYNOP‐ SIS), getopt will generate output that is compatible with that of other versions of getopt(1). It will still do parameter shuffling and recognize optional arguments (see section COMPATIBILITY for more information).
Traditional implementations of getopt(1) are unable to cope with whitespace and other (shell-specific) special characters in arguments and non-option parame‐ ters. To solve this problem, this implementation can generate quoted output which must once again be interpreted by the shell (usually by using the eval com‐ mand). This has the effect of preserving those characters, but you must call getopt in a way that is no longer compatible with other versions (the second or third format in the SYNOPSIS). To determine whether this enhanced version of getopt(1) is installed, a special test option (-T) can be used.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int opt; char *in = NULL; char *out = NULL; int is_force = 0; int version_n = 1;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:o:fv::")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case "i": in = optarg; printf("Option i was selected, in: %sn", in); break;
case "o": out = optarg; printf("Option b was selected, out: %sn", out); break;
case "f": is_force = 1; printf("Option b was selected, force: %dn", is_force); break;
case "v": if (!optarg) { printf("Option c was selected with default value %dn", version_n); } else { printf("Option c was selected with value %dn", atoi(optarg)); } break;
default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-i in] [-o out] [-f] [ -vn]n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }
return 0;}```
```c./test -i in.bin -o out.bin -vOption i was selected, in: in.binOption b was selected, out: out.binOption c was selected with default value 1
./test -i in.bin -o out.bin -v -fOption i was selected, in: in.binOption b was selected, out: out.binOption c was selected with default value 1Option b was selected, force: 1
$./test -i in.bin -o out.bin -v2 -fOption i was selected, in: in.binOption b was selected, out: out.binOption c was selected with value 2Option b was selected, force: 1```
## 3.4 更为优秀一点的方式来实现
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int opt; char *in = NULL; char *out = NULL; int is_force = 0; int version_n = 1;
struct option long_options[] = { {"in", required_argument, NULL, "i"}, {"out", required_argument, NULL, "o"}, {"force", no_argument, NULL, "f"}, {"version", optional_argument, NULL, "v"}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} };
while ((opt = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "i:o:fv::", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case "i": in = optarg; printf("Option i was selected, in: %sn", in); break;
case "o": out = optarg; printf("Option b was selected, out: %sn", out); break;
case "f": is_force = 1; printf("Option b was selected, force: %dn", is_force); break;
case "v": if (!optarg) { printf("Option c was selected with default value %dn", version_n); } else { printf("Option c was selected with value %dn", atoi(optarg)); } break;
default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-h] [-v] [-f file]n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }
return 0;}```
```c./test --in xxx.in --out xxx.out --force --version=2Option i was selected, in: xxx.inOption b was selected, out: xxx.outOption b was selected, force: 1Option c was selected with value 2
./test -i xxx.in -o xxx.out -f -v2Option i was selected, in: xxx.inOption b was selected, out: xxx.outOption b was selected, force: 1Option c was selected with value 2```
可以看到短参数和长参数是等价的,但是需要注意的是:option的长参数输入的方式是 **--xxx=yy**
```c./test --in xxx.in --out xxx.out --force --version2Option i was selected, in: xxx.inOption b was selected, out: xxx.outOption b was selected, force: 1./test: unrecognized option "--version2"Usage: ./test [-h] [-v] [-f file]```
# 4 经验总结
- 了解main函数还有另一个写法,以便于支持带命令行参数的传入;- 学会使用getopt,你要搞个命令行参数解析,那不是so easy吗?- 还有个getopt_long满足命令行参数更优雅的需求,可以深入了解下。
# 5 文末福利
- 最近在推广一个《致敬未来的攻城狮计划》,旨在发现并扶持一批有志于往 **嵌入式开发领域** 发光发热的潜力股,感兴趣的朋友,可以了解下。- [【重磅推出】《致敬未来的工程师计划》,第2期计划火热进行中。。。-CSDN社区](https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/614375136)- 当下正进行一个 **嵌入式领域** 的定向博文征稿活动,有精美礼品赠送,欢迎大家关注了解下。- [【致敬未来的攻城狮计划】第2期定向征文,嵌入式的看过来。。。-CSDN社区](https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/614721973)- 我的技术社区(架构师李肯带你玩嵌入式),长期开展福利赠书(优质的技术图书)活动,感兴趣的朋友,可以重点关注下。- [架构师李肯(带你学嵌入式)社区丰富的社区活动等你来挑战-CSDN社区云](https://bbs.csdn.net/forums/recan-iot?typeId=2717194)审核编辑黄宇